Thursday, July 17, 2014

VBS 2014 - Day 4

Thursday – The Longest Day

“Love is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” 1 Corinthians 13:5-6

There is something about a Thursday for any week-long event that tasks the humaneness of people. We’ve gotten over the midweek hump-day and then seem to run into a wall when there are significant tasks yet to complete. In the phone company we called it Critical Thursday when certain energies (focus and excitement at getting to the task) that ran high on Monday and certain capabilities (shortness of temper and, let’s call it, even-keeledness) were well in check on Monday ran low and bubbled to the surface respectively on Thursday thus crossing at a critical point. It seemed like anything could happen to derail the project altogether.

For our VBS kids this seemed to mean that they needed to get in every second of fun and frolicking with friends, especially those that would leave early for vacations and be absent on Friday. We knuckled down and had a meaningful time talking about God’s love being forgiving. Nobody yelled (thank you God) and nobody got seriously hurt even though I did give pour little Peter quite a bonk on the noggin’ during the last song as we let our acting get the better of us; he jumped when I pumped and, BONK!

That was half our day as Thursday evening was the luau. I’m sure Ashley and key people didn’t break at all while other officially listed volunteers started back at 4:45 p.m. to set up tables, chairs, food stations, and barbeque chicken and hotdogs not to mention other food preparations and setting up part of Koopman’s Hall for an exotic animal show. We had 34 listed volunteers and countless others who just pitched in because that’s the way they roll. Several schlepped buckets of water to prime the pool for the giant water slides in the parking lot, others made snow cones, and did face painting, a limbo contest, and I’m sure I missed something with 300+ people filling the courtyard for dinner and activities that whirled around non-stop until well after 8 p.m. and then beyond for the cleanup. 

Peter showed up and there was no giant lump on his head and he seemed no worse for feeling an experienced elbow; I showed him the scar left on the same elbow from Mike Marsh when I broke the tooth next to the one Keith (Jamal) Wilkes knocked when USC played the Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul Jabar) led UCLA Bruins. Peter didn’t seem to get what rarified company he was keeping along with my elbow; guess I missed that one by several generations. Peter went on the enjoy the bounce house and water slides...

All in all, a very satisfying day of seeing God’s forgiving love all around and winning out over Critical Thursday.

In His grip, jerry
The Courtyard Luau

Koopman's Hall Animal Show

Parking Lot Water Slides

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

VBS 2014 - Day 3

Thar be guides here mate

“Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking.” 1 Corinthians 13:5

Our story tellers recounted Jesus and the Woman at the Well. The main idea for the day was that God’s love is for everyone and He/we demonstrate that love by caring. Jesus cared for the Samaritan woman regardless of who she was (a person that the Jews didn’t associate with) and regardless of what she’d done (lots of bad things).  He offered her Living Water and she came to believe and because of her testimony so did many in the village. 

Our activities were all water based experiments; Cartesian Diver (modified by our Doug Given), Hurricane in a Bottle, Sink or Swim, and the Salty Volcano. They were all fun – even those that didn’t quite do something spectacular captivated us for a little while. The kids learned about the importance of good water to drink and how our VBS is raising funds for 15 family-sized water filters and how that all fits with our caring and sharing the Living Water on practical levels.

Each of our three groups of third graders has a guide and we have one craft helper as well; let’s call her the craft guide. The guides move about the campus ensuring that each child gets where they need to be, works with them in crafts, listens with them during story time, and plays or experiments with them during our activities. I have to admit a that I’m a little envious of the concentrated time that they spend with the smaller groups, getting to know them and forging bonds that allow for a long lasting relationship. They see the kids at their best and worst during the week and care for them all the same. I’m also somewhat in awe of them as they give of their precious time between school years and some between schools as they march along to college.
Most excellent guides!
I appreciate our four; Tala, Talin, Kristy, and Delaney. They shepherd their little groups in and help me complete our activities, showing us all His love in the process. I love these young ladies and all of the other guides - they make my day.

In His grip, jerry

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

VBS 2014 - Day 2

An Extra Serving of Kindness Please

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4

Kindness and patience were today’s key words in our theme and of course I was struck with my lack thereof while driving to the church for VBS.

Each age group has three centers; Story Telling, Crafts, and Theme Activities, each supporting the daily theme and overall goal of the VBS and I am the theme leader. In keeping with the Son Treasure Island motif we did a tropical fruit blind-taste test and then shared the remaining fruit following our kindness discussion with sharing being the evidence of kindness just as Jesus shares His love and gave His life for us.

My observations from today’s activities are that when it comes to sharing bananas are difficult and papayas are a simple thing. Tomorrow I intend to seek out and observe acts of kindness in the midst of the flurry of activity.

God grant us the determination to share our favorite things along with those things we can easily live without. Grant me the serenity on the road to not make others the objects of distain but to pray for their safety.
The main stage - Ashley and her backup group

In His grip, jerry

Monday, July 14, 2014

VBS 2014 Day 1

Son Treasure Island – LCPC Style

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9

My first Vacation Bible School (VBS) day ever, as far as I can remember, was filled with 300 or so K – 6th grade kids, 70 adult and student leaders, and one very important God of All Creation working in our midst. If asked I would have said my expectation was that I would somehow slog through the first day as a 3rd Grade Theme Leader without having stuffed one of the kids into one of the available duffle bags that I’d used to bring in room decorations. The truth is that I expected God to meet me in some way during the week; let’s consider that done and now I have to revise my true expectation to meet Him in some way each day. Somehow I don’t think He will mind the revision considering that was probably His intention from the beginning.

Age groups from less than 10 through every decade into the 80s were represented and I’ll admit that a spry 90 year old may have slipped in without me being aware, you know how they are. I did not see one instance of anyone looking at another older or younger person thinking “they just don’t get me” or “I just don’t get them”. It was a wonderful day of seeing God’s people work in harmony.

3rd Grade Theme Room (the good raft)
I got there early to make sure my room and I were ready for the day. I found one of my rafts nearly deflated but that worked nicely into the activity theme of being wrecked on a deserted island and I merely pointed to it as our transportation for our three-hour tour. I was touched by the Lord in a couple of ways today as I saw our scripture for the day in action. What I saw was the Son working through the people to minister to the children; it was in the leaders’ expressions as they finished room preparations, checked the kids in at registration, talked with them, laughed with them, and simply loved them. Of particular meaning to me was watching and working with MAZ (Mission Arizona) alumni at work – adults, young adults, and secondary school students. There is something special in witnessing the people whom I’ve worked with side-by-side in service as their growth in the Lord continues and expands. The day was punctuated after we were dismissed and I got an unexpected Jer-bear hug from several of the third grade girls as they improvised their own treasure hunt while waiting for their parents.

Seeds were planted in every room and during every activity and actually watered on the basketball court.

In His grip, jerry