Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Guilt Shelf

     Surprise, surprise…my character suffers from much the same thing as I do and, in one form or another, the musings of this post will find their way into PAR’s story. I must apologize in advance because I don’t see a positive spin to end this with and that disturbs me here during Christmas Week. Perhaps something will occur to me during the writing of this post and another, more appropriate Christmas writing, will make itself evident.

     In my heart and mind there is a shelf upon which I have a variety of guilt and shame; some deserved and some it merely self-published dribble.

Just a peek at part of my shelf...
     Around my house are books from friends and family, books written by friends, recommended by various folks, and purchased by myself. They are in various stages of being read, or not, and they are sitting on my Guilt Shelf. Mixed in with the books are various journals; prayer journals, motorcycle ride journals, writing journals, and journals that have not yet obtained a designation. Some have fairly recent entries while others haven’t had a pen scratch their pages in a number of weeks, maybe even over a year. The journals sit on the Guilt Shelf or are stacked haphazardly on top of the unread books.

     Around and in my house are a number or projects in various stages of incompleteness or merely being contemplated. They are good projects, necessary projects, and some of them would be fun to undertake. They are bookends to the books and journals and are resting upon my Guilt Shelf.

     I have friends to find, contact, communicate with, pray for, and get together with. (Ah! Prepositional ending to a sentence, I think I’ll let it stand.) They are good friends with real prayer needs and they are friends that I really care about and I would just like to see them smile and warm my heart. They sit on my Guilt Shelf with their feet dangling and swinging with my guilt – or they are hanging by their hands like some ‘Hang in there baby’ cat poster.

     I have a mail slot at home with unopened correspondence, some real, most of it junk. I have stacks of bills to pay and notes to cancel things I’m paying for but don’t need. They are stuffed between the pages of the books on my Guilt Shelf.

     I have notes, maps, and research materials strewn about my office waiting to be punched into a manuscript that may or may not be published, worthy or not.

     I cannot possibly get to them all and perhaps the best thing to do is simply pick one up at a time and get to it instead of saying “When I get around to it” but the thing I do is to pick up my smart phone or the TV remote and dull the pain of it all by letting them recede into the shadows of time-wasters. There lies the shame of it all. BTW, I have an actual round ‘To It’ somewhere around here; perhaps I’ll find it some day and this will all be solved.

     The time wasters rarely help. When I turn them off the Guilt Shelf objects are all there, jumping up and down and dancing like a happy dog when its owner returns from the store.

What a quandary, what a downer to lay on all ya’ all. But at least I picked this one off of my Guilt Shelf and got around to it. And, today while I’m excavating the project space in the backyard with my rent-a-kid friends, I’ll pray for you, my friends.

In His grip, jerry

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Gentle Whisper

     A gentle whisper can be heard and a still small voice is calling. Can you hear it? Are you listening?

“11The Lord said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.’

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of                                      the cave.

Then a voice said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” 1 Kings 19: 11-13 (New International Version)

     The character that I’m writing is struggling to know God’s will in the midst of his bereavement. He’s lost the ability to hear the voice of the Lord and is failing to trust that he ever will again. When I started gathering myself to write this post I thought that I would be writing about the compelling story of Gideon because in the midst of his conundrum my character, PAR, is even considering putting out a fleece or worse yet in his mind, casting lots as the disciples did while choosing Judas’ successor. Both of those methods got results and seem to be acceptable in God’s eyes.

     God loves to communicate with us, wants to communicate His will for us, and is joyful when we grasp it and run with it. I believe in my heart that the better way is to perceive God’s voice rather than play craps with Him, or test Him to show us a miracle fleece. I love the NIV’s translation of it as “a gentle whisper”. The more popular “a still, small voice” as found in the American Standard and King James versions is also a fine thing to hear.

     While digging around this and hearing the gentle whisper urging me to have readers consider His voice I found several other, to me less satisfying, versions; “low whisper”, “soft whisper”, quiet, whispering voice”, and “a gentle blowing”. So many versions out there, so many ways to consider God’s word – how do we really know except by the belief in things unseen, by faith?

     The NRSV translation is a little disturbing to me and one which PAR thinks he is now in the middle of; not being able to hear the voice that he’d come to recognize and base his walk of faith on; “a sound of sheer silence”. How spooky is that? And, how does one translate sheer silence into God’s loving direction?

     This gentle whisper, the still small voice, is something that I covet and strive to hear. I have to chastise myself when I fail to listen and act within a void instead. The Holy Spirit is promised to us to show us all things and make the Father known to us. Could this be the gentle whisper that first came as flaming tongues of fire?

     Listen in the dark of the night as sleep comes to you and the rigors of the day are receding. In the early morning hours before you’ve completely stirred to meet the new day, reach out with your heart to hear what the still small voice is saying, where the gentle voice is leading you.

In His grip, jerry